If I’m being honest, my drive for work sometimes gets in the way of me taking care basic health necessities- like making the time to eat meals (and nutritious ones at that!) and take breaks throughout my workday, in fact honestly sometimes I just need to remember to take a freakin shower and put a cute outfit on!
Sometimes, when I slow down long enough to think about it, I feel disappointed in myself that it’s so easy for me to throw myself into work and relationships, and the never ending to do list, but that I’m coming last on that list. It actually makes me sad.
Goals and dreams are incredible, and you all know that I’m 1000% about taking risky, audacious action on those dreams. And I’m also all about cultivating deep, meaningful relationships- because you’re the sum of the 5 people you hang around the most.
But sometimes I ask myself, if I’m constantly “hustling” toward the dream (the end goal) and constantly making time for everyone else… but I’m stressed out, anxious, or even just low key irritable as I run a million miles an hour toward it… is it really worth it?
Happiness & peace on the journey is becoming more and more important to me by the day.

If you’ve been around long enough, you hear me constantly say that I believe in living life from a place of “Both And” instead of “Either / Or”. I believe I can work towards my wild dreams, have amazing friendships, AND make time for myself. I truly believe I can have it all.
But because there are only so many hours in the day, it will mean saying no to a few extra work items every day and being okay with those unfinished items. It will mean sometimes saying no to hanging out with friends that I love or not being able to text people back for hours or sometimes a few days at a time.

So while I believe I can have it all, I also can’t lie to myself and think that I can have time for myself if I keep doing what I’ve always been doing.
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
With that all being the preface, I wanted to share with you all some of the self care priorities I’ve been focused on & why :)
My Top 7 Self Care Priorities Lately:
1. Long luxurious showers with romantic music & a lit candle
Not only does this make me feel like I’m living my dream life, it’s also my favorite thinking spot. I come up with all kinds of solutions to problems and challenges I’m having at work or in life in the shower. I remember Sara Blakley shared one time that she thought of the name “Spanx” while she was driving in her car, and that her favorite thinking spot was in the car driving. She asked, “what’s your favorite thinking spot where solutions come to you?” And I immediately knew it was the shower. What is it for you?
2. Eating a high protein breakfast within 2 hours of waking up
I’ve done versions of intermittent fasting for like 6 years straight and I just recently learned that women are supposed to eat earlier in the morning because it balances our hormones. If we don’t eat for a long time, it spikes our cortisol, which is one of the main things that messes up our hormones. So I used to not eat until like 10a or 11am or sometimes even 12p (I kinda trained myself not to get hungry) but now I’m choosing to eat earlier to balance my hormones. Plus I’m just making more time for eating meals throughout the day in general.
3. Journaling & praying for miracles every morning for 20 mins
God has given me so many miracles already, that now I’m like, okay God, what’s next?! And honestly, the next miracle I’m believing for is a big up level in my biz. I’ve talked about this on Instagram, I have a course launching very very soon, that is the culmination of everything I’ve been teaching women in 1:1 coaching for the last 5 years, and it will be available for a VERY affordable price, so I’m super excited to get this confidence coaching into more Womens hands. Anywho, I’m praying for my course launch to be a miracle, I’m praying for the women who buy it to have their life radically changed, and I’m praying for financial miracles in my business as well! Btw this is my favorite prayer book - The 40 Day Prayer Challenge by Mark Batterson
4. Drinking my green juice, L-glutamine & fiber supplement for bloating
For the last 6 months or so, my stomach has been SO bloated when I wake up in the morning. So I went and got my hormones checked at this place here in San Diego called Katalyst Wellness, they do a whole hormone panel and test like 27 things for only $349 which is pretty cheap for that kinda thing. Anyway, the results came back that my hormones are wacky (hence # 2) and then I was talking with my friend Gen, owner of Gensgym, and she helps a lot of women with hormone stuff / bloating / weightless, and she encouraged me to get on these 3 supplements and you guys… the last 2-3 weeks, my bloating has been SO MUCH BETTER!!!! I’m waking up in the morning with SUCH a flat stomach, like how it used to be, it’s so amazing! (I think it’s probably a combo of # 2 + # 3 + # 5 that I’m about to talk about). Anyway, I am not a hormone specialist but here are the supplements I'm taking that seem to be working for me! Bloom Mango Green Juice + Thorne FiberMend Prebiotic + Designs for Health Prebiotic
5. At home Pilates for 30 mins or 30 min walk daily
As many of you know, I got a back injury last year (3 bulging discs in my low spine) and I was re-injuring every couple weeks by doing some of the most basic HIIT workouts. Any jumping movement would cause re-injury. If you’ve ever had an injury, you know it’s a humbling experience. It’s been quite the journey, but for this season of life, I’m laying off HIIT workouts and heavy weight lifting and doing lighter movements that I previously scoffed at. But this is me learning how to live in the gray. Because after my injury I would go to the gym and do 20 mins of elliptical and leave crying because I was so sad that I couldn’t lift weights like I love to. I freakin HATE cardio lol. Anyway, I’m grateful I can do these 30 min at home Pilates workouts and they're actually more challenging than I would have thought. This gal Heather Robertson is one of my favorites!
6. Listening to the Calming Classical Playlist while I work
No real explanation needed here other than classical music seems to keep my heart rate low, and allow me to feel peaceful while I work. I’m literally listening to it while I write this and feel sooooo zen. This is the playlist I'm listening to on Spotify.
7. Reminding myself to romanticize the small moments
There’s this trendy song on TikTok that says “Romanticize your life, romanticize your liiiii-iiiiiii-iiiiiiiffeee!!” And I just have been repeating that in my head a lot. I want to fall in love with my life, all the small moments, like drinking my kombucha out of the fanciest gold rimmed glass we have on a Monday afternoon, or going on super special date nights with my husband, or taking a 30 min nap in the middle of a work day. My life is a movie, I’m the main character, and I get to choose to feel how I want to feel throughout each day. And your life is a movie, you are the main character, and you get to choose how you’re going to feel throughout each day.
My hope in sharing all of this with you is that you’ll make more time for yourself, for your self-care. For you to slow down more often, and romanticize your life. Life doesn’t have to be a struggle all the time. Life doesn’t have to be all about hustling and getting crap done, even if you are wildly driven!
I want each of you to enjoy the journey more, enjoy the small moments, and feel happiness daily 🤍

P.S. If you're looking for a powerful Christmas present for your sister, best friend, or co-worker, might I suggest my new book, Flex Your Confidence Muscle?
There's no better gift you can give someone than the gift of confidence :)