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Welcome Mindy Henderson, motivational speaker and accountability coach that lives in Austin, Texas!

You can check her out at Mindyhendersonspeaks.com, on IG @mindyannehinderson or check out her YouTube for her uplifting, motivational content!
Mindy was diagnosed at the age of 2 with Spinal Muscular Atrophy. The doctors told her parents that she was supposed to die at the age of 3.
At the time, they were on a medical scavenger hunt, had ended up at the Mayo Clinic, and the doctors were wrong!
Mindy's dad did physical therapy with her at the age of 2 to help her get better. He didn't listen to the doctors prediction for her life.
Today, Mindy lives her life from a wheelchair, but that doesn't stop her from changing lives.
Mindy now offers tools and relatable strategies to help people navigate inevitable adversity, while showing them how rich their lives truly are.
Mindy says that hope is one of the #1 tools for coping with adversity.
I asked her if she remembers a time where she felt like a victim to her circumstances? Or was she always so positive about it?

She tell us, "Growing up, I came home from school crying on a regular basis. My parents would tell me to “Count my blessings.” All I wanted to do was cry and be angry but their message stuck. I grew up knowing how many blessings I had and ultimately my disability has made me such a stronger person!"
I asked her - What is a day in your life like? In what areas do you need physical help?
"Most people can get out of bed in 5 to 10 seconds physically. For me it takes seven minutes with help from my assistant. AND I’m fiercely independent and I’ve worked hard over my life to be intentional to live as normal of a life as possible!"
"Words have power! Be careful of what you say every day because it might be subtle but it sets the tone for the space you park your brain in. If you look at it the right way adversity can be temporary,"
"I like to say that my disability is not my problem."
"You can’t compare your hardship to someone else’s hardship- if it’s a big deal to you then it’s a big deal. Don’t play the comparison game."
"If you never feel your feelings, I think you will end up crashing and burning. Get quiet. Reflect on what’s happening. But you can’t camp out there. You know when you’ve been wallowing for too long. It feels good to start taking action."
"The very thing that creates our adversity can be the thing that drives us to success."
"The easier road is to keep numbing this. The brave road is to create the margin in your time to think about the hard things you’ve gone through in life."
"You were created for a reason. Your creator does not make accidents."
Thank you, Mindy, for sharing your incredible story with us. You're amazing!