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It's time to kick perfectionism to the curb! 👋
Grow your courage and learn how to take imperfect action to overcome perfectionism.
In today's episode, we hear from founder of The Helpful Academy, Kat Soper.
We'll answer questions such as:
How might perfectionism be impacting my life?
What steps can I take to overcome perfectionism?
How can I successfully set goals?
What are some good ways to be productive and get work done?
"Progress over perfection."
Sometimes we believe that in order to progress in a skill/area of life/etc., we need to first perfect the stage we are in right now. Well, that's not true! That mind set will actually hold you back from your progress. Perfection is impossible to achieve. So instead of making that your goal, try to create your goals based around the progress you want to make.

Much of the time, negative self talk goes hand in hand with perfectionism. When fighting the negativity, start first by recognizing which thoughts are negative. Then, from there you can start replacing the negative self talk with positive affirmations.
"Your 'why' needs to be deeper than your discomfort."
What is your 'why'?
Change is uncomfortable. It's human nature to like what is familiar and whether consciously or not, try to avoid change. However, when we are trying to get to the next level in our lives, change must occur. The key to actually reaching your goals and making noticeable progress, is to make your 'Why' bigger than your discomfort.

Sometimes we'll outgrow our 'why's' and have to reevaluate. That's okay too! Your why may be bigger than your discomfort for awhile but if it ever isn't, then just check in with yourself and figure out a deeper why.
"If you’re not green and growing, you’re ripe and rotting."
Most people consider being stagnant or maintaining to be a neutral state. That may be true for a short period of time, but if we are staying in the same place for too long, it starts becoming harmful. It's okay to reach a goal and take a breather. We all deserve breaks and relaxation. But don't let reaching your goal be an end all. There are always things to improve and work on no matter how big or small!
Don't forget to check out these awesome resources!
Grab your Business growth calendar 🗓
Book: Die Your Hair Purple Sooner by Lorraine Hamilton
Buy the Talent Dynamics Test here

Kat Soper is an Entrepreneur and Free Spirit. She is the founder of The Helpful Academy, New Zealand's largest training centre for Small Businesses. Kat is also a wife and mother of two! (with many fur babies as well!)
Connect with Kat on IG @thehelpfulacademy or Facebook @thehelpfulacademy
Or head over to her website!