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I’m Janelle Lynnae, Founder of Next Level Confident. I'm here to help you see yourself as the valuable badass you are in your career and in life.
I know how frustrating it is to feel exhausted by your constant negative inner dialogue.
That's why I started this movement: to help women like you change those thought patterns and start believing that you really do deserve the very best; to see yourself clearly as the amazing woman that you already are
Personally, I am a woman of faith, wife, dog-mom, friend, daughter, sister, entrepreneur, best selling author, and public speaker.
I love working out, hot girl walks, yoga, hanging out on the beach, getting facials, snuggling with my pup, reading personal development books & dancing with my husband in the kitchen.
5 Fun Facts About Me

My husband & I met through mutual friends on instagram! We were friends for 6 months, long-distance dated for 6 months, and engaged for 7 months before we got married in August 2019. #whenyouknowyouknow :)

I started #nextlevelconfident because I was a personal trainer that everyone called their therapist. I decided to create a program to improve my clients' confidence via mindset instead of simply their body. Now, I get the honor of changing my clients lives from the inside out.

I've lived in Kansas, Belarus, New York, Colorado & California in my 30 years of life.

From about 14-22, I believed I was going to die in a car accident in my mid 20's. It's a long story that you can listen to here, but long story short, once I broke free from that lie, I decided to help others break free from the lies holding them back from living their best life.

I'm an Enneagram 8, ENFJ, and my top 5 strengths are Activator, Command, Strategic, Focus & Futuristic. My top love languages are physical touch & words of affirmation. Yes, I am obsessed with personality tests!

Honesty, truth and keeping it 100.
Let your yes be yes & no be no. AKA do what yousay you're going to!
Take huge leaps of faith. Often.
Don't be afraid to put in the work.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Fake it til you become it.
Do what makes YOU happy. Stop people pleasing.
You're the sum of the 5 people you hang around the most. Choose wisely.
My Top Values

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